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Société Française de Nutrition du Sport

Prévalence du surpoids chez les enfants de 1 à 5 ans par une étude des critères biométriques (Etude Genesis)

Design and descriptive results of the  »Growth, Exercise and Nutrition Epidemiological Study in preSchoolers »: The GENESIS study – art. no. 32. Prévalence du surpoids chez les enfants de 1 à 5 ans par une étude des critères biométriques, des activités physiques et habitudes alimentaires (Etude Genesis)

Auteur(s): Y. Manios
Réf.: Bmc Public Health, 2006, Vol 6, pp 32
Adresse: Manios Y., Harokopio Univ Athens, Dept Nutr & Dietet, Athens, GREECE

Résumé : Background / The Growth, Exercise and Nutrition Epidemiological Study in preSchoolers (GENESIS) attempts to evaluate the food and nutrient intakes, as well as growth and development of a representative sample of Greek toddlers and preschool children. In the current work the study design, data collection procedures and some preliminary data of the GENESIS study are presented.

Methods :
From April 2003 to July 2004, 1218 males and 1156 females 1 to 5 years old, stratified by parental educational level (Census 1999), were examined from 105 nurseries in five counties. Approximately 300 demographic, lifestyle, physical activity, dietary, anthropometrical and DNA variables have been recorded from the study population (children and parents).

Results : Regarding anthropometrical indices, boys were found to be taller than girls at all ages (P < 0.05) and heavier only for the age period from 1 to 3 years old (P < 0.05). No significant differences were found between genders regarding the prevalence of at risk of overweight (16.5% to 18.6% for boys and 18.5 to 20.6 % for girls) and overweight (14.0% to 18.9% for boys and 12.6% to 20.0% for girls). Additionally, boys older than 2 years of age were found to have a higher energy intake compared to girls (P < 0.05). A similar tendency was observed regarding the mean dietary intake of fat, saturated fat, carbohydrates and protein with boys exhibiting a higher intake than girls in most age groups (P < 0.05).

Conclusion : The prevalence of overweight in the current preschool population is considerably high. Future but more extensive analyses of the GENESIS data will be able to reveal the interactions of the parameters leading to this phenomenon.

Fiche Pratique

La moitié de mon assiette en fruits et légumes (Pdf, 1 page, 265 ko).
Source :


Rôle et implication du microbiote intestinal chez le sportif

Conférence du docteur Claerbout, donnée le 30 novembre 2019, à Lille, lors du 24ème Congrès MédicoSport organisé par l’IRBMS.

Article et Vidéo


Intolérance digestive et alimentation particulière chez le sportif

Conférence du docteur Maton, donnée le 30 novembre 2019, à Lille, lors du 24ème Congrès MédicoSport organisé par l’IRBMS.

Article et Vidéo


Santé et Performance

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Devenir membre

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