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Société Française de Nutrition du Sport

Impact du Lycopène sur le métabolisme lipidique et le risque cardio-vasculaire

Effects of olive oil and tomato lycopene combination on serum lycopene,lipid profile, and lipid oxidation.

Auteur(s): Ahuja K.-D., Pittaway J.-K., Ball M.-J.
Réf.: Nutrition. 2006 Jan 12;
Adresse: School of Human Life Sciences, University of Tasmania, Launceston, Tasmania, Australia.
Mots clés:

Résumé : Objective / We compared the effect of two diets (a diet high in olive oil and a diet high in carbohydrate and low in olive oil) with high lycopene content and other controlled carotenoids on serum lycopene, lipids, and in vitro oxidation.

This was a randomized crossover dietary intervention study carried out in Launceston, Tasmania, Australia in healthy free-living individuals. Twenty-one healthy subjects who were 22 to 70 y old were recruited by advertisements in newspapers and a university newsletter. A randomized dietary intervention was done with two diets of 10 d each. One diet was high in olive oil and the other was high in carbohydrate and low in olive oil; the two diets contained the same basic foods and a controlled carotenoid content high in lycopene.

Résults : Significant increases (P < 0.001) in serum lycopene concentration on both diets were to similar final concentrations. Higher serum high-density lipoprotein cholesterol
(p < 0.01), lower ratio of total cholesterol to high-density lipoprotein (p < 0.01), and lower triacylglycerols (p < 0.05) occurred after the olive oil diet compared with the high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet. There was no difference in total antioxidant status and susceptibility of serum lipids to oxidation.

Conclusions : Serum lycopene level changes with dietary lycopene intake irrespective of the amount of fat intake. However, a diet high in olive oil and rich in lycopene may decrease the risk of coronary heart disease by improving the serum lipid profile compared with a high-carbohydrate, low-fat, lycopene-rich diet.

Fiche Pratique

Lycopène ? Peut-être ; Tomate ? Sans aucun doute. (Pdf, 1 page, 1,57 Mo).
Source :


Rôle et implication du microbiote intestinal chez le sportif

Conférence du docteur Claerbout, donnée le 30 novembre 2019, à Lille, lors du 24ème Congrès MédicoSport organisé par l’IRBMS.

Article et Vidéo


Intolérance digestive et alimentation particulière chez le sportif

Conférence du docteur Maton, donnée le 30 novembre 2019, à Lille, lors du 24ème Congrès MédicoSport organisé par l’IRBMS.

Article et Vidéo


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