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Société Française de Nutrition du Sport

Effet des Caroténoïdes alimentaires sur le statut inflammatoire chez des patients polyarthritiques

Dietary Beta-Cryptoxanthin and inflammatory polyarthritis : results from a population-based prospective study.

Auteur(s): Pattison D.-J., Symmons D.-P., Lunt M., Welch A., Bingham S.-A., Day N.-E., Silman A.-J.
Réf.: Am J. Clin Nutr. 2005 Aug ; 82(2) : 451-5.
Adresse: Arthritis Research Campaign Epidemiology Unit, The University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom
Mots clés:

Résumé : Epidemiologic studies suggest that the antioxidant potential of dietary carotenoids may protect against the oxidative damage that can result in inflammation.

Objectif : We investigated the hypothesis that some dietary carotenoids are associated with a reduced risk of developing inflammatory polyarthritis (IP).

Design : The European Prospective Investigation of Cancer Incidence (EPIC)-Norfolk study is a population-based, prospective study of >25,000 subjects who completed a baseline 7-d diet diary and were followed up to identify new cases of IP, which was defined as synovitis that affected > or = 2 joint groups. Dietary carotenoid intakes were computed from the diet diaries of these subjects, and a nested, case-control analysis was undertaken to compare carotenoid intake between case subjects and age- and sex-matched control subjects.

Résults : Eighty-eight incident cases of IP that occurred in the population surveyed were ascertained via the Norfolk Arthritis Register. The mean daily intakes of zeaxanthin and beta-cryptoxanthin were 20% and 40% lower, respectively, in the cases than in the 176 controls, but there were no significant differences in the intakes of either lutein or lycopene. Those subjects in the top one-third of intake of zeaxanthin and beta-cryptoxanthin were at a lower risk of developing IP than were subjects in the lowest one-third [odds ratios (95% CI): 0.48 (0.24, 0.94) and 0.51 (0.25, 1.02) for zeaxanthin and beta-cryptoxanthin, respectively]. The association with beta-cryptoxanthin was significant after adjustments were made for total energy and protein intakes and for cigarette smoking.

Conclusion : These data are consistent with previous evidence showing that a modest increase in beta-cryptoxanthin intake, equivalent to one glass of freshly squeezed orange juice per day, is associated with a reduced risk of developing inflammatory disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis.

Fiche Pratique

Lycopène ? Peut-être ; Tomate ? Sans aucun doute. (Pdf, 1 page, 1,57 Mo).
Source :


Rôle et implication du microbiote intestinal chez le sportif

Conférence du docteur Claerbout, donnée le 30 novembre 2019, à Lille, lors du 24ème Congrès MédicoSport organisé par l’IRBMS.

Article et Vidéo


Intolérance digestive et alimentation particulière chez le sportif

Conférence du docteur Maton, donnée le 30 novembre 2019, à Lille, lors du 24ème Congrès MédicoSport organisé par l’IRBMS.

Article et Vidéo


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